Gleneagles Church Weekly Newsletter

Morning Service at 10.30 am on Sunday 21st April at Redwell School.


Message from the Vicar:

  ‘Connecting: with Jesus, with each other, with the community’


  • Our Second Toddler Group Starting Next Week!

Judy M, Marion and Elizabeth are joining me to start this new venture with Glenvale Park Care Home on Monday mornings.  Please pray that our presence serves the community well and enables others to start this journey of faith in Jesus for themselves. 


  • Sunday Service:   

This Sunday will be a communion service.

Please do make use of the table in the coffee area during refreshments and get to know new people after the service.


  • Extra news:

-Sally Quincey has been part of Gleneagles church for many years and served us in so many significant ways.  It was good to wish her well on Sunday as she leaves to find a worshipping community nearer home.

-Amanda Allen is our Parish Administrator and does a brilliant job.  She has been paid 6 hours a week and while there was a significant backlog of things to sort out, Amanda feels we are now in a position where 5 hours a week would be sufficient to cover everything.  We have agreed therefore that she will drop down to 5 hours a week for now but we are aware that in the coming months the name of the church will change and there will be much administration to be done in line with this.  I will update the church if we need to increase Amanda’s hours temporarily.

-Rob and Maria Seaman’s final Sunday with us will be our café style service on the 2nd June.  To celebrate and them on their way we are having a picnic lunch after the service so please bring your picnic’s with you.  Hopefully the weather will be kind and we can sit outside.  Rob will be ordained as a Deacon at Peterborough Cathedral on Sunday 14th July, time to be confirmed.


  • The PCC:

The PCC (Parochial Church Council) is effectively the leadership body of the church that makes all major decisions – the direction and vision of the church, how we steward our finances, are just a couple of examples.  Towards the end of next month we will have our annual meeting in which we will need to elect 2 new churchwardens and 5 new members of the PCC.  It’s really important that the leadership is representative of the congregation so please do consider whether you might be willing to stand for election and talk to me in the meantime for more information.


  • Parish Prayer:

You can join the weekly parish prayer meeting either in person at the vicarage or via zoom.  The link is sent each week through email.


  • Prayer Chain:

If you would like to send a prayer request to the prayer chain, or join the prayer chain, please contact Jackie Brooks Cheesman:


  • Giving:

As a church we are so appreciative of the sacrificial giving from many in the congregation.  We do not receive any financial assistance from a central place so we rely entirely on what is given by your faithful giving.  Thank you!!

If you would like to give to the work and ministry of the church please collect a form from the table at church which will enable you to give via the recommended route of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  However, people are welcome to give in whatever way suits them:


-Cash donations box on a Sunday morning

-Card reader available Sunday mornings or

-Directly into the church bank (speak to Lis Wells for the bank details –


  • Discipleship:

Recommended reading:

You can now find on the church website our ‘recommended reading list’.  Very often we recommend books related to a particular sermon series or are being read as part of the reading group, so here is the link that will take you straight to that part of the website:

Recommended Reading – Gleneagles Anglican Church


Tuesday Teaching Evenings:

We put aside Tuesday evenings in the church diary for extra teaching series.  The first part of the year we will be doing Alpha  course and have just two more sessions to go!  If there is something you would like some extra teaching on please do let us know.


Connect Groups:

Connect Group Facilitators are: 

i)Monday afternoon (fortnightly 2-4pm): Carol Maycock 
ii)Monday evening (fortnightly 7.00pm): Elizabeth Holbrook
iii) Wednesday evening (fortnightly at 7.30pm): Rob Seaman
iv) Wednesday evening (fortnightly 8.00pm): Ben & Livvi Haughton-Scales
v) Thursday morning (fortnightly 10.00am): Alan Palmer


Reading Group:

With Rob Seaman due to move on very soon, the reading group is now taking a 6 month break – more information to follow.


  • Under 18’s:

Is the Lord calling you to use your gifts and a bit of time to minister to under 18s?  If so, please speak to Revd Dawn Airey…..there are some gaps!  All groups re-start this week.




  • Wholeness in Jesus/wellbeing:

Friday Football:


Bereavement Support Group:


  • Safeguarding:

As God’s distinctive community we want to be a church that is safe for everyone.  Where there are safeguarding concerns please talk to me (or if I am away, to John Gilyead our parish safeguarding officer) as soon as they arise.  Even if you’re not sure, just talk to me anyway….please.


Church contacts and ways to connect with us 

Rev. Dawn Airey – Vicar:


Ben Haughton-Scales – Curate:    


Livvi Haughton-Scales – Curate:


Amanda Allen – Parish Administrator:


Rob Seaman – Ordinand:


(Staff day off is usually Friday)


Helen Cracknell – Churchwarden:


David Wells – Churchwarden:


John Gilyead – Parish Safeguarding Officer




